• Higher Institution Centre of Excellence (HICoE), Tropical Infectious Diseases Research & Education Centre (TIDREC)
  • tidrec@um.edu.my
  • 03-79676670


TIDREC emphasizes the importance of working safely and securely with potentially infectious biological agents to prevent accidental infection of workers and release into the environment. 

The High-risk Pathogen Research Unit under TIDREC maintains and operates the High-level Biocontainment (BSL-3) Research & Training Facilities that comprised of; i) a fully certified modular BSL-3 laboratory, ii) a fully certified mobile BSL-3 laboratory, and iii) a mock BSL-3 laboratory training facility; enabling research with select agents such as SARS-CoV-2, MERS-CoV, Nipah virus, and other emerging infectious diseases, even in the field. TIDREC is also available to partner with industry and academic institutions to facilitate research on highly pathogenic infectious agents. Our BSL3 facilities together with our technical expertise are available to assist in the event of infectious disease outbreak.

The High-risk Pathogen Research Unit also offers biosafety and biosecurity training program for administrators, scientists, students and laboratory personnel as part of its role in raising awareness of safety culture in the laboratory and in the field. The training program encompasses a hands-on, practical and behavioral-based approach for more effective outcomes. We also provide training and consultation on improving biological risk management that addresses key aspects of biosafety and biosecurity.

Person in charge

Name: Dr. Eva Tiong Vunjia   

Email:  evationg@um.edu.my                                                                                                                                                                                           

Name: Dr. Mohd Iskandar Jefree Johari 

Email: jefree@um.edu.my

Last Update: 09/09/2024