• Welcome to Higher Institution Centre of Excellence (HICoE), Tropical Infectious Diseases Research & Education Centre (TIDREC)
  • tidrec@um.edu.my
  • 03-79676670

A 3-day Southeast Asia Joint Initiative One Health Epidemiology Program conducted in Wyndham Grand Bangsar from 18th September to 20th September 2023 had successfully achieved its aim to provide insights into the One Health Approach to 42 postgraduate students from Malaysia, Laos, Vietnam and Indonesia who attended this program. This program was a product of a joint collaboration between TIDREC and Universiti Malaysia Sarawak (UNIMAS).

The esteemed team who have numerous of experience in One Health Training was led by Prof. Razitasham Safii, a medical professor from UNIMAS. The program touches on topics such as One Health Approach in Zoonotic Disease, Ecosystem and Health and One Health Outbreak Management which consists of lectures and interactive group activities. In addition, participants were able to participate in the hands-on practical session in the Mock Lab at Wisma R&D, Universiti Malaya. During this hands-on experience, students learned how to assess potential hazards associated with biohazardous materials and acquired essential skills for effectively communicating and mitigating risks, especially when dealing with high-risk pathogens. The importance of proper hand-washing, correct donning of personal protective equipment (PPE), and the handling and application of biohazard spill kits were demonstrated, all of which align with good laboratory practices (GLP).

On 21st September 2023, the program continued with Southeast Asia Joint Initiative One Health Collaboration and Partnership, a successful program officiated by the Deputy Vice Chancellor of Research and Innovation, Universiti Malaya, Prof. Ir. Shaliza Ibrahim and attended by researchers from national and international universities and government research institutions in Southeast Asia. The event gained a massive reception from the participants. Participants were engaged in the keynote speeches, Q&A session and a forum which focused on the collaborations and partnerships among Universities, Industries and the government towards the preparedness for the emergence and re-emergence zoonotic diseases.
